SALZTOR is a project by Fernando Roussado and Elisa Schmid, powered by Kultur Gmunden 24dreißig, funded by LEADER Traunstein-Region, associated project of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024. Realised with kind support of: Wienerberger AG, Salinen Austria AG, LAUFEN Austria AG, Kieninger Bau GesmbH, Hagebau EISL GmbH, Donausäge Rumplmayr GmbH, Abrigada (Pt), ABIES Austria Holzverarbeitung GmbH
#Keramik #Bildende Kunst #Art&Science #Infrastruktur #öffentlicher Raum
Elisa Schmid & Fernando Roussado, Gmunden24dreißig, Stadt Gmunden
Elisa Schmid und Fernando Roussado beschäftigten sich mit dem so genannten Salzbrand - einer alten Technik in der Keramikherstellung, bei der Salz zum Glasieren von Keramik verwendet wird - als Auslöser für ein künstlerisches Projekt in Gmunden.
Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und der Bau eines Hochtemperaturbrennofens, welcher der Gemeinschaft frei zur Verfügung stehen wird - Schulen, Universitäten, lokale und internationale Künstler/Kunsthandwerker und alle übrigen sind eingeladen, Salzbrand-Keramik herzustellen. Der Brennofen soll die lokale Gemeinschaft dazu anregen, sowohl innergemeinschaftlich als auch international aktiv zu werden. Es wird eine Reihe von Workshops angekündigt, in denen eingeladene Experten ihr Wissen über Keramik - Ofenbau, Modelliermasse, Glasuren und Salzbrand - weitergeben.
Schmid und Roussado schlagen vor, ein Kunstwerk zu entwickeln, das aus der Auseinandersetzung der Menschen mit drei Kulturgütern Region - Keramik, Salz und Berg - entsteht. "Die Verwendung des Ofens wird ein Werkzeug in ein Kunstwerk verwandeln", so die beiden. Ein solcher Ofen ist in der Lage, das in den Bergen des Salzkammergutes gewonnene Salz in eine Glasur für Keramik zu verwandeln. Sie möchten die Aktivitäten von Keramiker:innen, Studierenden, Einheimischen, Gästen und Künstler:innen mit Salz festhalten, nicht nur in den gebrannten Keramiken, sondern auch im Brennofen, den sie bauen werden. Ein üblicher Nebeneffekt dieser Art des Brennens ist, dass "nicht nur die Keramikstücke glasiert werden, sondern auch das Innere des Ofens". Schicht für Schicht wird der Ofen durch den Einsatz von Menschen glasiert und nach seiner Funktion als Werkzeug in eine "Skulptur-Architektur, einen Torbogen oder einen Berg-Biwak" verwandelt, der durch das Salz selbst erhalten wird.
Dieses neue Wahrzeichen der Stadt wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der lokalen Bevölkerung entwickelt und den Ort weiterhin prägen und erneut zu einem Raum der Begegnung und der Transformation werden, zu einem Symbol der Zusammenarbeit und des Zusammenseins mit der Erde.
Die Planung und der Bau dieses großen Brennofens zieht die Aufmerksamkeit der Keramikexpert:innen auf sich - aufgrund seiner besonderen Form und seiner Größe wird das Salztor zur Fallstudie für internationale Forscher:innen und Künstler:innen.
Projektleitung: Elisa Schmid (A) und Fernando Roussado (Pt)
Technische Leitung: João Rolaça (Pt)
Partner: Gerald Pfaffl (A)
Kooperationen: BaseHabitat - Kunstuniversität Linz
Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung und der Bau eines Hochtemperaturbrennofens, welcher der Gemeinschaft frei zur Verfügung stehen wird - Schulen, Universitäten, lokale und internationale Künstler/Kunsthandwerker und alle übrigen sind eingeladen, Salzbrand-Keramik herzustellen. Der Brennofen soll die lokale Gemeinschaft dazu anregen, sowohl innergemeinschaftlich als auch international aktiv zu werden. Es wird eine Reihe von Workshops angekündigt, in denen eingeladene Experten ihr Wissen über Keramik - Ofenbau, Modelliermasse, Glasuren und Salzbrand - weitergeben.
Schmid und Roussado schlagen vor, ein Kunstwerk zu entwickeln, das aus der Auseinandersetzung der Menschen mit drei Kulturgütern Region - Keramik, Salz und Berg - entsteht. "Die Verwendung des Ofens wird ein Werkzeug in ein Kunstwerk verwandeln", so die beiden. Ein solcher Ofen ist in der Lage, das in den Bergen des Salzkammergutes gewonnene Salz in eine Glasur für Keramik zu verwandeln. Sie möchten die Aktivitäten von Keramiker:innen, Studierenden, Einheimischen, Gästen und Künstler:innen mit Salz festhalten, nicht nur in den gebrannten Keramiken, sondern auch im Brennofen, den sie bauen werden. Ein üblicher Nebeneffekt dieser Art des Brennens ist, dass "nicht nur die Keramikstücke glasiert werden, sondern auch das Innere des Ofens". Schicht für Schicht wird der Ofen durch den Einsatz von Menschen glasiert und nach seiner Funktion als Werkzeug in eine "Skulptur-Architektur, einen Torbogen oder einen Berg-Biwak" verwandelt, der durch das Salz selbst erhalten wird.
Dieses neue Wahrzeichen der Stadt wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der lokalen Bevölkerung entwickelt und den Ort weiterhin prägen und erneut zu einem Raum der Begegnung und der Transformation werden, zu einem Symbol der Zusammenarbeit und des Zusammenseins mit der Erde.
Die Planung und der Bau dieses großen Brennofens zieht die Aufmerksamkeit der Keramikexpert:innen auf sich - aufgrund seiner besonderen Form und seiner Größe wird das Salztor zur Fallstudie für internationale Forscher:innen und Künstler:innen.
Projektleitung: Elisa Schmid (A) und Fernando Roussado (Pt)
Technische Leitung: João Rolaça (Pt)
Partner: Gerald Pfaffl (A)
Kooperationen: BaseHabitat - Kunstuniversität Linz
The project leaders Elisa Schmid and Fernando Roussado, got interested in the so-called salt firing - an old technique in ceramic production, making a connection between the salt from these mountains and the ceramics of the region as an ignition for an artistic project in Gmunden.
The aim of the project is to create and build a high temperature kiln that will be freely available for the community - schools, universities, local and international artists/artisans and everyone else are invited to produce salt firing ceramics. The kiln will function as a booster for the local community to engage within itself and abroad. A set of workshops will be announced and invited experts will share knowledge on ceramics - kiln building, modelling clay, glazes and salt firings.
Schmid and Roussado’s proposal is to develop an artwork that results from the engagement of people with three cultural assets of Gmunden - ceramic, salt and the mountain. According to them, “The use of the kiln will turn a tool into an art piece”. Such kiln is able to transform the salt extracted from the mountains of Salzkammergut into a glaze for the ceramics. They expect to imprint the activity of ceramists, students, local people, and artists with salt, not only in the ceramics to be fired but also in the kiln they will build. A common side effect on this type of firing is that “not only the ceramic pieces get glazed, but also the inside of the kiln”. Layer by layer, the kiln will be glazed by the use of people and after functioning as a tool it will be turned into a “sculpture-architecture, an archway or a mountain biwak” preserved by the salt itself.
This new landmark of the city will be developed in collaboration with the local population, and continue to characterize the site and once again become a space for encounters and transformation, a symbol of cooperation and togetherness with earth.
The planning and building of this large kiln is attracting the attention of ceramics experts - due to its rare existence and size, Salztor is becoming a case study for international researchers and artists.
Projekt lead: Elisa Schmid (A) und Fernando Roussado (Pt)
Technical lead: João Rolaça (Pt)
Partner: Gerald Pfaffl (A)
Cooperations: BaseHabitat - Kunstuniversität Linz
The aim of the project is to create and build a high temperature kiln that will be freely available for the community - schools, universities, local and international artists/artisans and everyone else are invited to produce salt firing ceramics. The kiln will function as a booster for the local community to engage within itself and abroad. A set of workshops will be announced and invited experts will share knowledge on ceramics - kiln building, modelling clay, glazes and salt firings.
Schmid and Roussado’s proposal is to develop an artwork that results from the engagement of people with three cultural assets of Gmunden - ceramic, salt and the mountain. According to them, “The use of the kiln will turn a tool into an art piece”. Such kiln is able to transform the salt extracted from the mountains of Salzkammergut into a glaze for the ceramics. They expect to imprint the activity of ceramists, students, local people, and artists with salt, not only in the ceramics to be fired but also in the kiln they will build. A common side effect on this type of firing is that “not only the ceramic pieces get glazed, but also the inside of the kiln”. Layer by layer, the kiln will be glazed by the use of people and after functioning as a tool it will be turned into a “sculpture-architecture, an archway or a mountain biwak” preserved by the salt itself.
This new landmark of the city will be developed in collaboration with the local population, and continue to characterize the site and once again become a space for encounters and transformation, a symbol of cooperation and togetherness with earth.
The planning and building of this large kiln is attracting the attention of ceramics experts - due to its rare existence and size, Salztor is becoming a case study for international researchers and artists.
Projekt lead: Elisa Schmid (A) und Fernando Roussado (Pt)
Technical lead: João Rolaça (Pt)
Partner: Gerald Pfaffl (A)
Cooperations: BaseHabitat - Kunstuniversität Linz
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Upcoming firing: 25/10/24
We invite everyone, interested in soda-firing, to bring or send your ceramic pieces (stoneware, 1280*C!) to fire & salt-glaze them! And thereby participate in the public art work, that SALZTOR will become later on, after inscribing many firings!
Schedule, firing#3
23/10 - loading
24/10 - loading / preheating the kiln
25/10 - Firing starts in the early morning
26/10 - Firing ends at dawn
28/10 - Kiln opening
Location: Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
ATTENTION! The material needs to be stoneware and to withstand firing temperatures up to 1280º (NO EARTHENWARE!)
ACHTUNG! Das Material muss Steinzeug und bis 1280º temperaturbeständig sein (KEIN STEINGUT)!
In advance: please send photos, sketches, or description, quantity and measures of yourwork(s) to be fired in Salztor here:
Below you find the size of the firing chamber.
We fire raw and bisqued pieces.
The Participation is free of charge.
Note: We can´t take responsibility in case your work gets damaged during transport or firing!
ACHTUNG! Das Material muss Steinzeug und bis 1280º temperaturbeständig sein (KEIN STEINGUT)!
In advance: please send photos, sketches, or description, quantity and measures of yourwork(s) to be fired in Salztor here:
Below you find the size of the firing chamber.
We fire raw and bisqued pieces.
The Participation is free of charge.
Note: We can´t take responsibility in case your work gets damaged during transport or firing!

passed :
08/07/24 – 31/07/24 (choose your date)
Gmunden, Austria
Description This workshop and training is directed to ceramists, artists and anyone who is interested in participating and learning how to build a large ceramic kiln and about wood firing. Participants will be involved in all phases of planning, building, helping, carrying materials, producing clay pieces, collecting and preparing wood, firing the kiln and everything about it. The idea is to teach the participants to be autonomous in firing this kiln, so they can use it and promote future firings with local artists or with their own work. This is a rare opportunity to build such a large kiln and to learn from experienced ceramists and kiln experts. It requires some commitment to the project as it’s a long term workshop. Participants are expected to be present for longer periods - at least three days - or the whole building period. Expect some physical work outdoors, a friendly environment to share knowledge and experiment something new. Come join us!
Workshop Leader: Salztor Team: João Rolaça, Fernando Roussado and Elisa Schmid
Dates: 08/07/24 – 31/07/24 (estimated), 9h-17h (lunch break 13h-14h), except sundays and other few days. Adjustments to calendar can be discussed with workshop leaders.
Public target: Ceramists, artists or anyone over 18 years old. Priority will be given to local residents of Salzkammergut region / Upper Austria. Maximum 3 participants.
Skill level: Beginner or Advanced
Materials to be used: Bricks, mortars, special materials, wood, power tools (not mandatory), building tools, clay, etc.
Other info:
The workshop will be fully conducted in ENGLISH.
Free admittance
Motivation letter required: Why do you want to participate? In which periods are you available? Any physical condition we should know about? Any other relevant information?
Location: Kunstquartier, Gmunden, Austria
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In this workshop, we will make a collective set of wares to be used by the participants and the community at a meal, after the wood firing. We will use classical and improvised techniques to produce these objects, using different clay bodies (found and commercial) and materials found on site. Spontaneous and experimental forms and gestures are welcome. Everybody is invited, younger and elder, experienced ceramists or complete beginners with no experience with clay. We invite the participants to bring some food to share for lunch together on the days of the workshop. Please bring appropriate clothing to work with clay and basic tools, if you have some (spatula, knife, roll or other).
Workshop Leader: Salztor Team -
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid and João Rolaça
Dates: 20 - 21 July, 10h-18h (lunch break 13h-14h)
Public target: Everybody (all children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult)
Skill level: All. Beginner or Advanced
Free entrance.
Maximum 20 participants
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid and João Rolaça
Dates: 20 - 21 July, 10h-18h (lunch break 13h-14h)
Public target: Everybody (all children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult)
Skill level: All. Beginner or Advanced
Free entrance.
Maximum 20 participants
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
In this workshop, we will make a collective set of wares to be used by the participants and the community at a meal, after the wood firing. We will use classical and improvised techniques to produce these objects, using different clay bodies (found and commercial) and materials found on site. Spontaneous and experimental forms and gestures are welcome. Everybody is invited, younger and elder, experienced ceramists or complete beginners with no experience with clay. We invite the participants to bring some food to share for lunch together on the days of the workshop. Please bring appropriate clothing to work with clay and basic tools, if you have some (spatula, knife, roll or other).
Workshop Leader: Salztor Team -
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid and João Rolaça
Dates: 8- 31 July, 9h-17h (lunch break 13h-14h), except sundays and other few days. Adjustments to calendar can be discussed with workshop leaders.
Public target: Ceramists, artists or anyone over 18 years old. Priority will be given to local residents of Salzkammergut region / Upper Austria. Maximum 3 participants.
Skill level: Beginner or Advanced
Other info
Free admittance.
The workshop will be fully conducted in ENGLISH.
Short motivation letter required. Why you want to participate? In which periods are you available? Any physical condition we should know about? Any other relevant information?
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid and João Rolaça
Dates: 8- 31 July, 9h-17h (lunch break 13h-14h), except sundays and other few days. Adjustments to calendar can be discussed with workshop leaders.
Public target: Ceramists, artists or anyone over 18 years old. Priority will be given to local residents of Salzkammergut region / Upper Austria. Maximum 3 participants.
Skill level: Beginner or Advanced
Other info
Free admittance.
The workshop will be fully conducted in ENGLISH.
Short motivation letter required. Why you want to participate? In which periods are you available? Any physical condition we should know about? Any other relevant information?
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
Build your own tools for ceramic textures and surfaces
+ Develop engobes and “glaze like coatings” for salt/soda firing
This workshop is directed to ceramists, artists and anyone who is interested in participating and learning about how to work on surfaces in salt/soda fired ceramics.
The aim of the praxis is to study the material compositions and reactions in this special firing method by making varieties of glaze and engobe samples as a toolkit for further recipies to experiment in Salztor, a “library of possibilities”. It will be fired in the initial Salztor firing 22-25/08.
Gerald Pfaffl will guide the participants through his own tool set for modeling, teaching how to use it on clay and also how to make their own tool set.
The second part of the workshop will be dedicated to show how to prepare engobes and glaze like coatings for salt/soda firing.
This is an opportunity to learn about general ceramic chemistry and surface technique but also to be guided about specific interests of your own research. Gerald Pfaffl is one of the most experienced ceramists working in Austria (teaching ceramics at the Angewandte since 14 years).
Come and join us!
Workshop Leader: Gerald Pfaffl
Dates: 17/08 - Build your own tools for ceramic textures and surfaces; 18/08 - Engobes and glaze like coatings for salt/soda firing!
Location: Kunstquartier Stadtgarten, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden, Austria
Public target: Ceramists, artists, anyone interested, people under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Maximum 8 participants.
Skill level: All. Beginner or Advanced
Free entrance.
Dates: 17/08 - Build your own tools for ceramic textures and surfaces; 18/08 - Engobes and glaze like coatings for salt/soda firing!
Location: Kunstquartier Stadtgarten, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden, Austria
Public target: Ceramists, artists, anyone interested, people under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Maximum 8 participants.
Skill level: All. Beginner or Advanced
Free entrance.
The focus of this workshop is to share knowledge about the artistic and technical process to produce a medium to large scale ceramic piece. Participants are expected to present an ideia or design they want to turn into reality and will be guided by a team of ceramists and sculptors through the necessary steps to accomplish it.
Sculptures, functional or design objects, wall panels, architectural elements and other forms, glazed or unglazed are welcome to be developed and fired in the wood kiln - Salztor, later on.
The workshop will include group presentation of the projects, individual mentoring, studio time and visits to exhibitions or relevant places in Gmunden.
Workshop Leader: Salztor Team -
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid and João Rolaça
Dates: Modelling 4-8th of September; Salt firing 26-29th of September
Public target: Art and Design students, artists, ceramists, creatives or general public <16 year old.
Skill level: Intermediate
The workshop will be fully conducted in ENGLISH.
Short motivation letter required. Why you want to participate? Do you have an ideia/project to be developed within this workshop? Will you need to use any special material and need some help in choosing it - glaze, special clay, etc? Any other relevant information?
For specific projects, participants might be required to bring specific tools or materials and the instructors are open to guide them in choosing the best options for their project, by email - at least one week before the start of the workshop.
Free entrance.
Max. 8 participants
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid and João Rolaça
Dates: Modelling 4-8th of September; Salt firing 26-29th of September
Public target: Art and Design students, artists, ceramists, creatives or general public <16 year old.
Skill level: Intermediate
The workshop will be fully conducted in ENGLISH.
Short motivation letter required. Why you want to participate? Do you have an ideia/project to be developed within this workshop? Will you need to use any special material and need some help in choosing it - glaze, special clay, etc? Any other relevant information?
For specific projects, participants might be required to bring specific tools or materials and the instructors are open to guide them in choosing the best options for their project, by email - at least one week before the start of the workshop.
Free entrance.
Max. 8 participants
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
Salztor introduction workshop within the art curriculum at BRG Gmunden, the local middle school.
Workshop Leader: Salztor Team -
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid
Dates: 1. October 2024
Selected group of local students
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
Fernando Roussado, Elisa Schmid
Dates: 1. October 2024
Selected group of local students
Location: Salztor / Atelier Laranjal; Orangerie, ground floor of the villa
Stadtgarten Kunstquartier, Johann-Tagwerker-Straße 12, 4810 Gmunden (Austria)
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